So I have chosen to propose a set of 111 laws about leaders and leadership. This book represents my expectations of a truly great leader. It represents the sum of qualities and how a leader should think and act so that their team or organization thrives. I first wanted to lay them out in a clear order but I understand that you can return to these laws whenever you want, on the proposed aspects.
I have chosen this way of presentation because I want each of you to start experiencing the 111 laws of leadership power. To start writing down all those thoughts that you are proud of and that can make you better in your relationship with others. This is just a first step but influence is gained in small, steady steps. Leadership is a challenge and so a clear question needs to be asked: What are the challenges we face every day?
I am confident that this book, along with all the other books in the Culture of Value will help you fill an information gap and you will be able to use these laws and principles to build your own path to success. Time will tell whether the investment in personal development and leadership was a waste or an opportunity for a better life.