That's exactly why don't be harsh on yourself. I know you want to get as many results as possible immediately, but for starters choose to be just a little bit better than yesterday, a little bit better than those around you. Don't want too much from yourself all at once, because the weight of what you want will be too much for your untrained shoulders and that weight will overwhelm you. Choose a steady workout and progressively increase the weight you put on your shoulders, that's the only way you'll succeed in self-improvement. Try to make your message just a little bit better than the other speakers and for that try to prepare a little bit better than them. This is the secret and if you can understand it then your life can be one of genuine success.
There are thousands of people who do this as a profession, on a professional level. That's probably what you want to do too, I would think, from the moment you bought or received this book as a gift. What you need to understand, right from the start, is that the audience in the room is different. There are many ways to characterize it but I think if you pick these three categories that I present in my public speaking books it will be much easier for you to calibrate to the audience and control the room. Understand that the audience will have three attitudes towards you, these attitudes overlap the three groups you have in the room. The audience judges you and evaluates you according to their own criteria.
Why is public speaking vital? Because no matter how much you speak in front of the mirror it is not the same as speaking in front of those who are watching you and who can give you feedback. No matter how good that speech in the mirror is you will not get feedback from your reflected image. Mirror speaking is just the beginning of your public speaking career. The real test is whether or not you pass in front of an audience. Public speaking will increase your influence and make you a better leader. Genuine leaders know how to speak, and their messages get into the minds and hearts of those who listen. You too can become a great leader by building the influence you need step by step through the Culture of Value.