But the two women soon have other matters besides their bickering to attend to. A psychiatrist to the stars whose “slap, slap, get on with it” approach has made him a celebrity, hires them to investigate the suicide of a successful but almost universally reviled film director. Concerned for his reputation, Dr. Deer would much prefer a finding of murder.
As the sparks between Ariana and Kylie fly, the City of Angels has turned out to be much more difficult and dangerous than Kylie had imagined.
Originally published by Alyson Books 2004.
Claire McNab has written over 50 books and is known in her native Australia for crime fiction, children’s novels, picture books, self-help, and English textbooks. Her first mystery, Lessons in Murder, was published in the U.S. in 1988. Now a Los Angeles resident, she teaches not-yet-published writers through the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program. She is the author of three lesbian mystery series featuring Inspector Carol Ashton, Agent Denise Cleever and Detective Kylie Kendall.
She has served as the president of Sisters in Crime and is a member of both the Mystery Writers of America and the Science Fiction Writers of America. She lives in Los Angeles.