A savvy commercial publisher has pounced on a book Victoria intended for an academic audience. Victoria is shocked and disconcerted to see The Erotic Muse become a world-wide bestseller.
Reyne Kendall, an experienced and award-winning journalist, is assigned to do an in-depth feature on the woman behind the bestseller. Victoria dreads the sort of aggressive, probing person Reyne is likely to be. Her misgivings prove to be more than correct.
Reyne is self-made, irreverent and tough, and has little respect for the cloistered world of academia which is Victoria’s sanctuary. Reyne brings one other volatile ingredient—she is boldly out as a lesbian.
Claire McNab has written over 50 books and is known in her native Australia for crime fiction, children’s novels, picture books, self-help, and English textbooks. Her first mystery, Lessons in Murder, was published in the U.S. in 1988. Now a Los Angeles resident, she teaches not-yet-published writers through the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program. She is the author of three lesbian mystery series featuring Inspector Carol Ashton, Agent Denise Cleever and Detective Kylie Kendall.
She has served as the president of Sisters in Crime and is a member of both the Mystery Writers of America and the Science Fiction Writers of America. She lives in Los Angeles and is working on the finale of the Carol Ashton series, Lethal Care.