Rohan Gunatillake

Rohan Gunatillake, author of Modern Mindfulness (This is Happening), studied at Oxford before beginning a career as a management consultant. One day he realised the hustle and bustle of his morning commute could actually enhance his meditation rather than prevent it and his concept of mindfulness everywhere was born. Rohan combines twelve years' experience of working in technology and innovation with an equally extensive background in mindfulness and through his company Mindfulness Everywhere, makes a range of creative and human-centred products which combine meditation, technology and design including buddhify, which has been a best-selling app in over forty countries. With his emphasis on playfulness and digital culture, Rohan is recognised as one of the most creative yet authentic voices in modern mindfulness, he is a trustee of the British Council and in 2012 Wired magazine named him in their Smart List of 50 people who will change the world. Rohan and his family live in Glasgow.