Mohammad Firdaus bin Zainal is a writer of the Non-Fiction genre covering the fields of political science, Islamic and Medieval history. The author holds a Bachelor of Political Science Degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia. He served in the 92 ATCK Military Special Branch, Defence Staff Intelligence Division, Ministry of Defence for eight years before moving into the corporate world as a Senior Copywriter Executive. His passion in writing since his school year has been transformed into a career by producing several works that are mostly still in the publication process. Among the works that have been produced are:Coronavirus: Pandemik & Senjata Bio (Bibliotheca)Saddam: Fakta di Sebalik Kematian (Bibliotheca)Muhammad Bukan Pendusta: Membongkar Fitnah & Pembohongan atas Nama Nabi Muhammad s.a.w (Hijjaz Records Publishing)Membongkar Manipulasi Israk Mikraj dalam Karya Agung Dunia Divine Comedy (Hijjaz Records Publishing)LGBT: Islam Bukan Fiksyen (Telaga Biru Sdn bhd)Al Quran & Manusia-manusia MelawanIn addition, the author is also actively writing current issues on the Facebook pages of Firdaus Zainal and Bibliotheca. With his aim to bring back the greatness of Islamic knowledge to where it was once enjoyed in the Abbasid era, the author is now actively producing works in Bibliotheca.He only hopes for two aspirations; firstly, he can continue to pursue knowledge and be humbly granted with wisdom, secondly, he can impart the knowledge into a boundless deed (jariah) for him to later meet the Almighty Creator.