John Rogove, former pensionnaire of the Ecole normale supérieure, holds an M.Phil and a Ph.D. from the Université Paris-Sorbonne. He is an Associate Research Fellow at the Paris Husserl Archives and teaches philosophy at the Université Paris-Sorbonne, the Institut catholique de Paris and Sciences po. He specializes in phenomenology, in philosophy of language and mind, in political philosophy, and in philosophy of religion. He holds a B.A. in Classics from NYU and an M.A in philosophy from Boston College, where he studied under William Richardson and John Sallis.
Pietro D’Oriano studied in Paris, in particular under the tutelage of Roland Barthes (EPHE), where he obtained a B.A. and an M.A. at the Université Paris XII. He was a post-graduate student at UCL, UK. He taught Ancient philosophy in Florence and Philosophy of Language and Aesthetics at La Sapienza, Rome. He was an Associate Researcher at the Archives Husserl de Paris (under J-F. Courtine and J. Benoist). He is currently writing a book in French on Frege and Heidegger (on whom he has published two books in Italian), of which his contribution to the present volume is a part.