Daniele De Santis (1983) is Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (ÚFAR) of Charles University, Prague. He works mainly on the history of early phenomenology (Husserl, Stein, Hering, Heidegger, Beck) and the history of philosophy (Plato, history of Platonism, Kant, Lotze). He is the editor in-chief of The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy (Routledge); he has recently published the monograph Husserl and the A Priori. Phenomenology and Rationality (Springer 2022); and the collective volumes: The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy (Routledge 2021) and Wilfrid Sellars and Phenomenology: Encounters, Intersections, Oppositions (Ohio University Press 2022).