In the small American town of Hope, teenager Lucas Caldwell dreams of escaping his life. His mother, Liss, is struggling with addiction, and his sickly little brother, Reuben, would never survive her without him.
His grandfather, Lucky, is dying in a care facility, his mind fading. But in a final moment of clarity, he lets slip to Lucas that he is in possession of a painting worth millions, stolen from a transport convoy in a daring heist five decades ago. As the disbelief fades, a thin hope begins to grow.
But secrets as big as this rarely stay hidden for long, and as the corruption of money spreads, so does the threat of violence and bloodshed. And with hungry wolves circling the payday to end all paydays, the fallout could tear the town, and Lucas’s family, apart.
Lucas would do anything to protect the people he loves. But at what cost?
A gut-wrenching, utterly compelling small-town crime thriller, laying bare the corrosive nature of greed and the trials and dangers of those living on the fringes of society.
Morgan Greene is the pen name of British author Daniel Morgan. He studied Creative Writing and English Literature at Swansea University with a focus on narrative structure and theory. Author of the bestselling Detective Jamie Johansson series, Daniel currently lives in Spain with his partner and snow-loving collie.