The first chapter introduces Arjuna, the highly evolved hero of the Gita, and shows his plight as the leading warrior of his age who must enter into a battle that will destroy his family and much of his society. As a seeker of truth, Arjuna finds himself stationed between the forces of good and evil on the battlefield of life.
Arjuna needed a way to fight and win the war without incurring the sin of killing. He was so prescient that he developed a pre-traumatic stress syndrome, similar to the post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) experienced by today's warriors.
Fortunately for mankind his charioteer and guide, Lord Krishna, provides in chapter two the principles of a simple, practical form of meditation known to eliminate all stress that will deliver Arjuna from the binding influence of his duty-bound actions while purifying his environment to remove the cause of future wars.
The full resolution of Arjuna’s predicament by Lord Krishna is presented in succeeding chapters. The knowledge Arjuna received has as much significance today as it did 5,000 years ago for solving all problems and bringing enlightenment and fulfilment to individuals and to society as a whole.
This chapter is 105 pages in length with large, easy to read English verses and relevant images. The Illustrated Bhagavad-Gita is an ideal introduction to the timeless Vedic literature. It contains the wisdom of how to live perfection in life, knowledge that is beneficial for everyone in every age and is easily put into practice.
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The author of the Bhagavad-Gita is the highly enlightened sage Veda Vyasa. 5,000 years ago he wrote the Mahabhrata, one of India's two great epics, which has the text of the Gita at its core. The Bhagavad-Gita is the most concentrated wisdom of fullness of life. It is said that in the Gita Vyasa churned the cream of the Upanishads and put the butter in the mouth of Krishna. It is one of three pillars of Yoga, giving an in-depth view of the entire field of knowledge of the Self.
The illustrator, Aurosutru is an American educator with an undergraduate degree for teaching in post-secondary education, an MBA and a PhD in Vedic Administration.
Aurosutru has taught meditation to thousands of students and Vedic Science to hundreds of graduate students and has used meditation and its advanced techniques for more than 50 years.