Yopi Ardianto, yang akrab dipanggil Pak Yopi atau Pak Ardi ini lahir di Tulungagung, 18 Januari 1990. Pendidikannya dimulai dari SD di Sekolah Kecintaannya akan Bahasa Inggris khususnya Speaking membuat dia ingin terus belajar baik melalui lembaga kursus seperti di Pare dan praktek. Pada awal tahun 2010, dia memulai karir mengajarnya di salah satu lembaga kursus lalu mengajar di salah satu SMP swasta di Malang.Setelah lulus pendidikan S1 pada tahun 2014, dia melanjutkan pendidikan profesi keguruan melalui salah satu program beasiswa dari Kemenristek Dikti yang disebut dengan PPG Pra-Jabatan pada tahun 2017 di Universitas Negeri Malang dan mengajar di SMP Negeri 9 Malang sampai saat ini.
Zahratul Ilmiyah lahir di Semarang, 6 November 1978. Memulai awal karir sebagai Instruktur Bahasa Inggris di English Training Centre, Yayasan Pupuk Kaltim pada tahun 2003- 2004. Tahun 2004-2006 menjadi guru honorer di MAN 3 Malang. Tahun 2006 diangkat menjadi Guru PNS dan bekerja di SMP Negeri 17 Malang sampai dengan saat ini. Pengalaman mengajar selama 17 tahun menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris menjadikannya memiliki banyak pengalaman dan cerita suka maupun duka. Pada tahun 2020 inilah ia mengalami perbedaan pola mengajar yang sangat berbeda. Hobi travelling menjadikannya menyukai hal-hal baru dan menantang. Motto yang dipegang teguh yaitu “Man Jadda Wajada”.
Tutiek Srihayati lahir di Pamekasan, 9 Mei 1974. mengabdi di SMP Negeri 21 Malang sejak tahun 2001 sampai sekarang. Memiliki hobi bersepeda dan membaca serta mulai berusaha mencoba menuangkan ide dalam bentuk tulisan meskipun belum sempurna. Buku perdana yang pernah dibuat yaitu berbagi pengalaman dalam antologi “Menyelamatkan masa depan generasi emas bangsa” pada tahun 2017 dan sebagai guru aktif literasi pada Program Gerakan Sekolah Menulis Buku Chapter IV: Nasional diselenggarakan oleh Gerakan Menulis Buku Indonesia dengan antologi cerpen berjudul “Jejak Inspirasi SMPN 21 Malang” pada tahun 2019.
Dwi Rahmawati lahir di Kota Malang pada 22 Juli 1981. Mengawali karir sebagai guru honorer di SMP Negeri 20 Malang pada tahun 2003. Setelah mengabdi selama 10 tahun, pada 2015, diangkat sebagai guru PNS pengajar bahasa Inggris di SMPN 15 Kota Malang dan pada tahun 2019 berpindah tugas ke Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri (SMPN) 24 Kota Malang. Menyukai tantangan dan mencoba hal-hal baru adalah hal paling menyenangkan dalam menjalani hari. “Learning by Exeperience” inilah yang menjadi motivasi tersendiri dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai pendidik.
Dwi Endah Puspitosari lahir di Trenggalek, 19 Maret 1966. Meniti karier sebagai guru Bahasa inggris sejak tahun 1988 di SMPN 3 Trenggalek, dan melanjutkan pengabdian di SMPN 9 malang di Tahun 1992 sampai sekarang.menulis adalah hobby yang terpendam sejak lama, yang dilakukan disela-sela kesibukan mengajar.
Enik Evi Indahwati was born in Malang, in August 1983. After she graduated from English Language Education Department at the State University of Malang in 2006, she began teaching English in MTsN Malang 1. From 2015 until now she has been teaching English at SMPN 2 Malang. She likes challenges and always wants to try new things. She is always enthusiastic about joining workshops, seminars, and any meeting dealing with education. She has been active as one of the boards of Malang English Teachers’ Association (MGMP) since 2016. After being the 2nd champ in the English teacher Olympiad in Malang City in 2018 and the 3rd place for outstanding teachers in 2019, she tries to write a best practice for the first time. She has written a book of her poetry collection entitled “Serpihan Cinta” which was published in 2019. She also has an anthology book published in 2020 entitled “Stay at Home, Stay Safe and Creative”. She never gives up learning and asks her students to continuously learn anything anytime and anywhere from anybody and any source.
Herningtyas Nurwulansari was born in Malang, on 9 March 1974. In 1997 she graduated from the State University of Malang and directly started her career as an English teacher at SMPK Kolese Santo Yusup 1, Malang. Her passion for artworks and education has led her to write fiction, to produce performing arts as well as educational research, and to make a couple of digital products. Some of her works are: 1. “Kissera"(Guepedia, May 2020), “Anak, Wanita, dan Bunda” (Guepedia, June 2020); 2. Screenplays and directing of "Laskar Pelangi Kami"(film, 2009), “Melati Suci” (2011), “Sarip Pertiwi” (Theater Festival, 2015), “Kosayu 1n Harmony” (2018); 3. “VARK Whistle" (2016), “Engaging English" (2017) by State University of Malang Press; 4. Channel “Mama Louisa”; 5. Podcast “Learn for Life”.
Miftahul Muaziah was born in Malang, August 12, 1973. The Alumni of IKIP Malang, which is now the State University of Malang, majored in English Language Education got her bachelor's degree in 1996. In 1998, she started her career as a teacher at SMPN 1 Burneh Bangkalan. Then she moved to Malang City in 2004, and taught at SMP Negeri 13 Malang. In 2013 she taught at SMK Negeri 8 Malang then moved to SMP Negeri 16 Malang in 2015. She has been an English teacher in SMPN 16 Malang up to now. Her motto is "Learning is a necessity. No one becomes a professional without serious effort, because proficiency comes from study and persistent work".
Mutliatuzzuhroh was born in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara. Her nick name is not as complicated as her full name, just call her Lia. She moved to Malang for two reasons: to continue her study and to follow her parents who are malangnese. She finished her undergraduate study at State University of Malang, Majoring in English Department. At first year of her study at State University of Malang, she got aa chance to join cultural exchange program to Scotland. Her passion in teaching began when she was a sophomore. In 2010 she starts becoming a state employee and works at SMPN 6 Malang until now. During her career, she once became a finalist of Olimpiade Guru Tingkat Nasional on 2019 held by Ministry of Education and Culture. Her father teaches her about honestly and dignity and her mother teaches her love and patience. Those 4 principles lump in her mind and mingle become courage to meet her students in classes: traditionally and virtually.
Yulia Hapsari is an academics in Universitas Brawijaya. Having English language teaching as her academic background and her interest in language, culture, and education lead her to conduct studies in sociolinguistics, intercultural pedagogy in language learning, teacher professional development, and curriculum design. Her professional experience includes secretary of International Relation Unit Faculty of Cultural Studies (2015-2016), head of International Relation Unit Faculty of Cultural Studies (2016-2019), vice director of Brawijaya Language Center (2019-2021), and senate member of Faculty of Cultural Studies (2021-2023).
Widya Caterine Perdhani was born on June 21st 1968. She graduated from Universitas Negeri Jambi for bachelor degree, Universitas PGRI Palembang (master degree) and Universitas Negeri Malang for her doctoral. Currently, she is a lecturer at Universitas Brawijaya. She is active author for English Language Teaching area, especially reading, morphology, and also syntax. Her residence is at Malang with spouse and two adorable children.
Didik Hartono is a lecturer at Universitas Brawijaya. He is profesionally teaching at English Teaching area, especially: speaking and corrective feedbacks. His residence is at Malang.
Dita Grace is a teacher in some private universities focused on English Language Teaching. Her experiences are mostly on writing academics, and UX research. She is able to present data quantitative and qualitative for research market. Currently, she is living at Jambi.