Book 1 - Why does understanding a psychological risk lead to physical reactions? The answer lies in human anatomy, specifically in the mechanisms behind real pain. Is mental pain comparable to physical pain? How does intense pain manifest? When it comes to physical pain, the process is straightforward. We rarely consider the basic motor reflexes controlled by the spine.
During physical sensation, a nervous impulse is transmitted through the nerves to the corresponding part of the brain, which then sends a response impulse to an organ. But how does mental pain occur? Our bodies possess a self-regulation function for all physiological processes. In essence, the brain responds to changes in the body's chemical processes.
Book 2 - The concept of mind control might seem like a specialized topic that doesn’t concern us personally, often relegated to the realm of movies. However, the reality is that mind control is a genuine phenomenon, and understanding it is crucial for protecting ourselves against it. This subject has been explored since ancient times, and it is not a recent development.
Controlled societies have existed for centuries, with modern mind control techniques emerging from World War II research. Many experiments conducted during this era remain obscure unless one studies the topic closely. The government is not keen on discussing these practices openly, similar to the covert operations historically conducted by the CIA.