A Google user
One of the most important and well researched books on the science of nutrition ever written. It exposes some really appalling science by researchers who were not true to scientific principles, In a science where published results can literally have life or death consequences, some very influential scientists came up with hypotheses that were so precious and compelling to them, they ignored correct procedure and tried to prove they were right rather than using rigorous scientific testing. Any positive evidence no matter how tenuous was included, and anything that disagreed with their hypotheses was excluded as irrelevant. Once the politicians were on board the band wagon, no messy facts were allowed to stand in the way of a bad theory. The book exposes a belief system based not on fact, but something that is 'neat, plausible and wrong'. Is Taubes Controversial? Certainly. Are his conclusions correct? His arguments are compelling and well founded. The proverb 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions' describes the state of nutritional 'science' and government advice today. It's a shame that with so many vested interests at stake this book is falling on such deaf ears!