Debi Kircher
Rush (The Boys of RDA Book 1) by Megan Matthews 5 Stars This was my first book by this author and I loved it...Was a fun break from the heavier books I've been reading lately, not that I don't love those as well but this one was a lot of fun..Don't get me wrong there were times I wanted to slap someone or throw my kindle at the wall but in the end I was completely satisfied and can not wait to read more of this series and want to check out whatever else this author has available. I loved the main characters Aspen and Finn and love their names even, and something I thought made the book that much better was the friendships and family members that were written. This author also took great care in describing locations, something I find sometimes to be too wordy and cause me to skim, but this one had me actually picturing everything in my mind and I truly appreciated that. I highly recommend reading this story and I'm sure if you do you will be as excited as I am to read more. Loved it!!!
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Tania C.
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I didn't love the heroine. She was way to High school for me. The drama she created over Finn not telling her he was rich was too much. The ex girlfriend drama seemed forced. I do love a gamer/nerdy hero storyline though, so it had that going for it.
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Debbie Pden
likeable characters and a kind of different storyline..not a gamer myself .. I felt like Pen a lot of the time. I don't like to guess at what I'm reading, several times the words didn't make sense or were inserted wrongly or left out..??