Stephanie Bachmann Mattei is a certified trainer and assessor with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an affiliated teacher with the Right Use of Power™ Institute, and a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher with the Center for Mindfulness at the University of California, San Diego. She holds a research degree in philosophy from the Universita' Degli Studi di Firenze, Italy. She wrote her dissertation on the sixfold system of Indian philosophy while living in ashram under Swami Yogamudrananda Saraswati. Kristin K. Collier has published poems, articles, and essays online and in magazines such as The Sun. Kristin's 2016 memoir, Housewife: Home- Remaking in a Transgender Marriage, won several awards, including a prestigious Nautilus Book Award. She and her parenting partner, Seda Collier, have been featured on NPR's Snap Judgment. Kristin has been developing and sharing her practice of Nonviolent Communication since 2004, with a special interest in parenting. She is a teacher and administrator for social groups that serve neurodiverse children and youth, including young people on the autism spectrum. In these roles, she teaches about relationships and sexuality, and integrates the skills and spirit of Nonviolent Communication into every curriculum. Kristin continues to learn about courage and adventure from her now-adult sons and enjoys canoeing, backpacking, and dancing the Lindy Hop. Her work, focusing on joy, can be found at