How many times do we promise ourselves that we will make a change to better our situations, whether it is to break a bad habit, increase our wealth or to fine-tune our personality traits, yet we do not follow through?
In this life-changing book by Jeff Compton, you will learn the secrets to why you do the things that you do and how you can actually change it. You will easily learn valuable insights into how your brain works, therefore allowing you to change course and correct unwanted behavior and break bad habits that stop you from improving yourself.
BOB is an acronym for Brain’s Ongoing Behavior™. A term coined by Jeff Compton to explain metaphorically the purpose of the part of your brain that controls your habitual actions, thought patterns and behaviors. That is, the part of your brain that controls your self-improvement.
Master your life using the BOB Concept! “When BOB Barks: The Psychology of Breaking Habits & Getting What You Want!” explains The BOB Principal in detail. BOB™ is a revolutionary new way of understanding who you are, and how your brain works so that you can actually make the changes you want to make in your life and get what you want.
Jeff Compton is co-founder and CEO of Third Dimension Group, Inc. In the past four years he has conducted over a thousand seminars and programs to more than 150,000 professionals in most of the major companies and organizations in America. Jeff Compton teaches people how to successfully interact with each other in a way that promotes harmony in the workplace but more importantly increases productivity. When leaders need answers they go to him. Jeff Compton is truly America's Management Go-To-Guy on Professional Development™.