Consciousness’ eternal pilgrimage from Light to Darkness is a long cycle from Alpha to Omega. When the Kalki-Avatara appears, our sufferings in this world will come to an end.
If Vishnu is represented in his forthcoming and last appearance as the Tenth Avatara, it is only because every unit held as an androgyne manifests itself doubly. Messiah is the fifth emanation, or potency. The Kalki-Avatara will come forth from Shambhala, the City of Gods. The heaven will open and He will appear on a white horse.
In him was life, and Life was the Light of men. He is the beginning and the end of separateness (i.e., selflessness). He will appear as Maitreya-Buddha in the Seventh Race.
The first teacher of this round, on this planet, was a Dhyani-Chohan. The one who will appear at the close of the Seventh Race will again be a Dhyani-Chohan. He will incarnate into the whole humanity collectively, not individualised in one man. Then justice, order, and true brotherly love will be finally restored on earth.
What can the true and earnest Theosophists do against the Black Age or Kali Yuga?
With Appendices on the “Designations of Kalki-Avatara in major religions, and “Calendar of the Race that never dies.”