Yet that noble and lofty Noetic Entity, that allows us to think and enjoy the boon of self-consciousness, is not ours. It belongs to Divine Entities from higher and earlier worlds and planets, whose Karma had not been exhausted when their world went into Pralaya. By quickening the human mind they purify themselves in the fire of suffering and individual experience in order to re-become the One Essence. And so can we, Their terrestrial reflection, if by purity of thought and deed we rise to Their plane and partake of Their divine essence.
Philosophically, Higher Ego is the apex of a triangle. He is “crucified” between two Opposing Forces: the personal ray dragged down by impure, selfish desires on the left side, and the uplifting purity of thought and deed on the right. Higher Ego is Chrishna-Christos, the true Christ of the churches, our personal “god.” On the plane of matter, Chr?stos is Christos’ lower but aspiring counterpart — an uninitiated adept or higher chela about to be admitted into Gupta-Vidya, i.e., Occultism’s Greater Mysteries.
Therefore, there are two Christs: one above and one below. Why? Because the Higher needs the Lower as much as the Lower needs the Higher, for “gods feed on men.”
Some Theosophists got into the habit of using “Self” and “Ego” as synonymous, of associating “Self” with only man’s higher individual or even personal self or ego, whereas “Self” ought never to be applied except to the One Universal Self. Even those pledged to their Higher Self by solemn vows, and who were personally instructed by H.P. Blavatsky, did not seem to understand the indissoluble link connecting their “Higher Egos” with the One Universal Self. When their knowledge was examined, most could not explain the difference between the Higher and the Lower Self and scarcely any avoided a confusion between Higher Self and Higher Ego!