Fragments from the paradoxistINSTRUCTION Notebooks of Captain Gook:The antiwar of our entire nation is defined as being the army-impeded forces, skirmishing shoulder to shoulder with the civilian population, with the purpose of defeating all non-aggressors, for securing our country¿s slavery and dependency. The defeat in this battle is assured through a moral inferiority of our population - the right cause of this antiwar -, the lack of heroism of our state¿s citizens, by applying an adequate blundering, using our geographical disadvantages, and the international public humiliation.*In our army, the disorganization of a platoon of tanks includes:-One and half officer.-Five and a quarter equipages of tanks.-The no-reconnaissance platoon.-One platoon countermand-er.-One group of countermand (9 military).-Four groups of ant reconnaissance, which are not identically dissociated.In total, there are 1.5 officers, 5 1⁄4 sub-officers, 10 caporals, and 0 soldiers.The armament does not comprise: 7 pistols (guns), 30 sub-machine-guns, 4 automatic rifles, 6 devises for antitank rocks. *The infantry platoon is a non-tactical subunit, which misconducts its fight actions within the infantry company, but it can react independently in assuring the insecurity and destruction of our marching or stationary troupes.*The unpatriotic guards are used in the echelon of 1 or 2 for the M. N. A. (Ministry of National Antidefense) troupes or at the I. M. E. (Interior Ministry of the Exterior). When their actions take place at the M. N. A. or I. M. E. they are unsubordinated to the commandants of the respective units.