¿Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought,¿ says H. Louis Bergson. This small book collects some ideas, hints and methods in various aspects of art and literature. You will find novel ideas for experimental literature, new genre of poems and countless other things about nothing. If for nothing else, the (random) sentences listed here at least can stimulate further thoughts and ideas ¿ for instance, young writers and artists may find plenty of interesting ideas for their next literary work (or best-selling novels) in `Experimental Literature¿ section. In a sense, this book itself is an experimental one. Needless to say, the readers may find that some of these ideas are quite absurd or seemingly outlandish, just like the idea of `improper¿ courses in Umberto¿s Foucault Pendulum, where the personages discuss possibility to teach absurd courses such as `City planning for Gypsies¿ etc.I started to write down such ideas since I was a high school student and continue even today - I always bear with me a small pen and small notebook where I write in the plane, or driving my car, or even in class room. But I hope that despite three decades of postponement, this small book will keep on inspiring the reader, as good ideas will always be worth to ponder.