Yet the scale of current applications of photovoltaics still lags far behind their potential, despite the fact that manufacturers already offer a wide range of different technologies and products. The principal culprits are design and constructional problems as well as issues related to planning law and building regulations.
This volume in the DETAIL Practice series is an illustrated guide to the technical, design, and constructional aspects of integrating solar plants into buildings. The chapter on building law, a glossary, and additional sources and directories point the way for further study. Impeccably realized example projects round out the book with demonstrations of the various options for installing photovoltaics on roofs and facades.
Bernhard Weller, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Claudia Hemmerle, Dipl.-Ing.
Sven Jakubetz, Dipl.-Ing.
Stefan Unnewehr, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
Institut für Baukonstruktion