This book attempts to clarify issues and misconceptions about schizophrenia, and to visualize to the reader what exactly goes on in the mind of a schizophrenic. Schizophrenics do not suffer from multiple personality disorder, unlike what is commonly known. Instead, they experience a split in their brain and mental functions which make them experience psychotic episodes.
What exactly causes schizophrenia, and what happens during a psychotic episode? Can these episodes be prevented? Why is schizophrenia often associated with violence? Find out about these and more, and prepare to delve into the mind of a schizophrenic.
Here is the preview of what you will learn...
• What is schizophrenia?
• Behavioral tendencies leading to schizophrenia
• Early diagnosis of schizophrenia
• Factors responsible for causing schizophrenia
• Medical and psychological treatment
• Prognosis of schizophrenia
• Love and support to help a loved one recover
This book is designed to provide information on schizophrenia for patients, families and clinicians. It contains information on the basic signs, symptoms and treatment options that are available.
It is written by a psychiatrist with two decades of experience. He is board certified in general psychiatry and three other specialties of forensic psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine and addiction psychiatry and has provided treatment for patients of schizophrenia in many different settings.
Hi, my name is Vernon Corbett. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.