Rilla of Ingleside: A Virago Modern Classic (Anne of Green Gables) - Anne's Legacy Continues: L. M. Montgomery's Heartwarming Rilla of Ingleside in Virago Modern Classic: Return to the enchanting world of Anne Shirley in Rilla of Ingleside, a heartwarming continuation of L. M. Montgomery's beloved Anne of Green Gables series. This Virago Modern Classic follows Anne's daughter, Rilla, as she navigates the challenges and joys of coming of age during the tumultuous times of World War I. With its charming characters and poignant themes, this novel captures the enduring spirit of the Anne series.
Key Aspects of the Book Rilla of Ingleside:
The Next Generation: Follow the journey of Anne's youngest daughter, Rilla, as she matures, faces adversity, and discovers her own strength during the war years.
Love and Loss: Experience the emotional impact of war on the characters' lives, as they grapple with separation, sacrifice, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Family and Community: Witness the enduring bonds of family and the support of the tight-knit community of Ingleside as they navigate through uncertain times.
As a Virago Modern Classic, Rilla of Ingleside celebrates the literary legacy of L. M. Montgomery, the beloved author of the Anne of Green Gables series. This poignant novel continues to captivate readers of all ages, resonating with its themes of love, family, and the indomitable human spirit.