Anne Shirley, the orphan child who brings happiness and love into the lives of her foster family, is one of the most beloved heroines in all of literature. This wildly imaginative, red-headed chatterbox tries to fit into the narrow confines of Victorian expectations, but her exuberant spirit keeps leaping delightfully beyond the bounds.
When Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew find that they are getting too old to work the farm by themselves, they decide to adopt an orphan boy to help out. To their dismay, they are sent a girl by mistake—an impetuous girl with a hopeless lack of manners. Pragmatic Marilla is determined to return her, but warm-hearted Matthew urges that she be given a chance to prove herself. The challenge laid down for this eleven-year-old girl—and the mishaps that befall her before she wins the heart of her foster mother—make for a delightfully charming story.
Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) was a Canadian novelist and the famed author of the Anne Shirley series. She found instant literary fame upon the publication of her first book, Anne of Green Gables. She published 20 novels and 500 short stories during her lifetime and was the first woman to be named a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Susan McCarthy is the narrator of numerous audiobooks, including such classics as Jane Austen’s Lady Susan and Sherwood Andersen’s Winesburg, Ohio. Her love for reading began as a young girl, when she discovered the Nancy Drew mystery series and was immediately hooked. Also a voice-over artist, she received her training at VoiceTrax San Francisco.