虛擬控制器開了,進遊戲也沒看到..不知道這功能可以用在哪... 更新:重新移除安裝後,把權限都打開,就可以使用了!
Hi, we'd love to help you. Please write to
[email protected] and our team will assist you as soon as possible.
Nep Her
希望後續可支援在執行codm時,讓kishi v2 pro能被認作原生控制器 。因日前入手razer edge,滿心歡喜的要體驗一場codm,結果想要順利操控還得用按鍵映射,但映射體驗實在太差,實際上,codm的操控不是nexus提供的映射可以解決的,所幸有reddit可參考,爬文後只得到一個解法,有效卻很爛:我需要先開ps5/xbox手把進行藍牙連線,才可用kishi v2 pro體驗完整操控。雷蛇不是標榜for gamers嗎,但這種體驗的割裂感實在太重了
Hello there! Allow us to assist you with this. As we don't have your email address, can you please send us an email at
[email protected] so that we can better assist you? We look forward to your email.
買了kishi v2,一堆遊戲不支援,官網寫的大部分都有問題,而且虛擬搖桿還會不斷閃退,根本不能用 跟官方反應,前後花了兩周時間對話,最後結果是無解 我手機SAMSUNG S22U,也不是多好的手機,但好歹也是去年的旗艦機種吧?
Hi, we apologize for any issue you might be having! Could you send details of what you are experiencing to our customer support at
[email protected]? We'll get you up and running.