Grace Hollz
I've played this game for many years, myself and my dad are even in the same guild. I like fighting with my dinos and playing whilst on walks. However, Jamcity brings out so many new dinosaurs it becomes overwhelming. I imagine for new players, going up ranks and collecting DNA is more difficult now. There isn't enough coin collecting to get the new Dino's or level up the ones you have to a decent level to beat pay-to-play players. Jamcity needs to realise more dinosaurs doesn't = better game.
17 people found this review helpful
Been playing this for a couple weeks and Am very much enjoying it. 2 changes I would like tho would be to add a search bar for your dinos as there is so many to look through and move the AR button slightly away from the tagging button. So easily to click the wrong one when trying to organize
40 people found this review helpful
Jayson Mayott
I love the game, but I hate the MYRIAD of bugs it has, the most annoying of which are the bugs that happen during raids or raid lobbies, where there are infinite loading screens, random disconnects, the catch up is atrocious, dinosaurs will show 0 hp and still be up and attacking, and on top of it all my favourite dino magnapyr. has a bug on magna impact in raids where it will say its targeting a creature but the nullify and damage reduction goes to a separate creature. Please fix some of this.
16 people found this review helpful
Jam City, Inc.
23 October 2024
Hi, we're sorry for any inconvenience caused, could you please reach our support team and describe to them your situation in greater detail? They will do their best to get it fixed as soon as possible. This can be done via: