warning_amberEz dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa, kantonera, turkiera eta txinera (tradizionala).
Film honi buruz
WARNING: THIS ALL NEW MOVIE CONTAINS NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN CONTENT THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS AND HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE! Bad Grandpa .5 gives you a whole new perspective on the world of Irving Zisman with unbelievable bonus scenes and hilarious pranks featuring Catherine Keener (as Irving's wife "Ellie") and Spike Jonze (as "Gloria")... plus a look at the evolution of Johnny Knoxville's naughty alter-ego, the Academy Award™ nominated makeup effects, and an exclusive behind-the-scenes peek at the idiocy it takes to make a hidden camera movie in public. Irving may be too old to chop the lettuce but he can still toss the salad!
Balorazioak eta iritziak
359 iritzi
Andrii Hrytsaienko
Salatu desegokia dela
2014(e)ko azaroaren 6(a)
в край ебанулись, фильмы продавать, а такие же ебанутые и покупают. сначала музыка, теперь фильмы, капиталисты ебаные. качал с инета, качаю и буду качать
18 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Maher Alshikh
Salatu desegokia dela
2020(e)ko azaroaren 24(a)
u said its comedy but its not . its documentary film about how they filmed bad grandpa
Salatu desegokia dela
2015(e)ko urtarrilaren 2(a)
They should make it up to 1080p ...SMILE MORE! ;-)