warning_amberDilinizdə nə audio, nə də subtitr əlçatandır. Audio bu dildə əlçatandır: alman, danimarka, fin, holland, ispan (Latın Amerikası), isveç, norveç, polyak, portuqal (Braziliya), tay, yapon, yunan və çin (ənənəvi).
Bu film haqqında
When a young man's family is killed by marauders, he seeks the help of a swashbuckling mercenary and a reclusive dragon in a quest for vengeance. The unlikely trio's adventurous journey brings revelations and rewards far beyond the original intent.
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2 rəy
Rob van den Berg
Uyğunsuz kimi işarələyin
Rəy tarixçəsini göstərin
17 fevral 2021
I think this was one of the better ones of the series. Maybe a bit simple, but that is better then the mess of subplots in Sorcerers Curse. I like that the dragon is a more fleshed out, varied character. Less like a perfect, wise grandfather elder, more like a funny, though still wise aunt. The texture in the story was very good as well, with smaller things like romance and minor brawls providing variety to the plot.