Jimmy Stone is a hard working cowboy living in the small town of Darlington, along with his wife Lindsey Stone. When a mysterious stranger begins stalking him and his wife and a cross appears on Jimmy's farm, things take a turn for the worst. Jimmy confronts the stranger, Willy Basin, who seems to have an obsessive interest in Jimmy and his wife. Confused and obsessed with the cross on his property, Jimmy asks his wife and his neighbor, Italian restaurant owner, Mr.Mancini if they anything about it. They claim the cross belongs to Mancini's dog who was killed a year ago by someone. The twists and turns continue when Jimmy calls the sheriff and deputy for help and they don't believe his story. Jimmy is forced to face the secret behind the cross. The stranger Willy continues to make his presence, refusing to leave Jimmy's farm, leading us to an unforgettable and disturbing climax!