Yingli Wang is a professor in logistics and operations management at Cardiff University, UK. She was awarded her PhD in logistics and operations management from Cardiff University in 2008. She has worked with many organizations including shippers, logistics service providers and IT service providers in the fields of e-logistics and e-supply chain. Her research on digitalisation in logistics and supply chain has attracted funding from various bodies including the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), European Regional Development Funding (ERDF), Sweden Energy Agency, Welsh Government, Highways England and the Department for Transport (DfT). She has published in leading academic journals, and other recent publications include a report for Highways England on accelerating BIM adoption in the supply chain (2016), a foresight report for the Government Office for Science on the impact of emerging technologies on future mobility (2019), and a white paper on blockchain for supply chains for the World Economic Forum (WEF) (2019).