Rob Bovey is a software developer specializing in Microsoft Office, Visual Basic, and SQL Server applications. He is founder and president of the custom application development firm Application Professionals. Rob developed several Addins shipped by Microsoft for Excel. He also co-authored the Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's Kit. Stephen Bullen, Carlow, Ireland, started his own company in 1997, Business Modeling Solutions Ltd, specializing in Excel and Access development and consulting. He has developed many tools and utilities to extend Excel's functionality. Stephen enjoys helping other Excel users and devotes a lot of his spare time to answering questions in forums and newsgroups. In recognition of his contributions and knowledge, Microsoft has awarded him the status of MVP every year since 1996. John Green, Sydney Australia, is an independent consultant specializing in Excel and Access. With 30 years of computing experience, a Chemical Engineering degree and an MBA, he draws from a diverse background. He has led training courses for software applications and operating systems both in Australia and overseas. Robert Rosenberg runs his own consulting business, which specializes in Microsoft Office, advanced training and custom solutions for numerous entertainment, financial, and legal organizations. As a Microsoft Valuable Professional in Excel, he also continually offers advanced online support ion Excel on behalf of Microsoft to users of their Internet newsgroups.