Scott Phillips

Scott S. Phillips (who is not the guy who wrote THE ICE HARVEST, nor is he the drummer for Creed) has written in almost every capacity imaginable: films, TV, comic books and even dialogue for talking dolls. He's also the author of the novel FRIDAY THE 13TH: CHURCH OF THE DIVINE PSYCHOPATH, and the short story collection TALES OF MISERY AND IMAGINATION. His film reviews have been collected in the aptly titled UNSAFE ON ANY SCREEN. With Robert E. Vardeman, Scott is co-editor of the anthology A CAREER GUIDE TO YOUR JOB IN HELL, and he has a story in that collection. Scott wrote the screenplay for the cult action flick DRIVE (recently named "The Best American Martial Arts Movie Ever Made" by Kung Fu Cinema), and wrote 12 episodes of the CW Network's KAMEN RIDER DRAGON KNIGHT. Perhaps most importantly, he once performed as stand-in for the legendary Lemmy in a Motorhead video.