Richard Heimann

Richard Heimann leads the Data Science Team at Data Tactics Corporation and is an EMC Certified Data Scientist specializing in spatial statistics, data mining, Big Data, and pattern discovery and recognition. Since 2005, Data Tactics has been a premier Big Data and analytics service provider based in Washington D.C., serving customers globally. Richard is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where he teaches spatial analysis and statistical reasoning. Additionally, he is an instructor at George Mason University, teaching human terrain analysis, and is also a selection committee member for the 2014-2015 AAAS Big Data and Analytics Fellowship Program. In addition to co-authoring Social Media Mining in R, Richard has also recently reviewed Making Big Data Work for Your Business for Packt Publishing, and also writes frequently on related topics for the Big Data Republic ( He has recently assisted DARPA, DHS, the US Army, and the Pentagon with analytical support.