PHIL COUSINEAU is a freelance writer, documentary filmmaker, independent scholar, creativity consultant, mythologist, and leader of cultural tours to sacred sites all over the globe. He has published over 40 books, including several best-sellers such as The Hero's Journey: The Life and Work of Joseph Campbell, The Art of Pilgrimage, Burning the Midnight Oil. The Book of Roads, The Accidental Aphorist, and The Lost Notebooks of Sisyphus. Cousineau has also written or co-written over twenty-five award-winning documentary films, including the Oscar-nominated "Forever Activists: Stories from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade," and the landmark "The Peyote Road: Ancient Religion in Contemporary Crisis." Since 2009 he has served as host and cowriter of "Global Spirit," airing on PBS and LINK-TV. For decades, Cousineau has worked as a story consultant on myth in the movies for Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, Lucasfilm, and Pixar Animation Studios. Currently, he lives with his wife Jo and son Jack on Telegraph Hill, in North Beach, San Francisco.