Peter Maitland was educated at Bearsden Academy and the University of Glasgow, where he obtained a 1st Class Honours BSc, and a PhD in Freshwater Ecology. He was then a Lecturer in Zoology there for five years. He joined the Nature Conservancy, which was then part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), in 1967 and moved to the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE, also NERC) in 1973. As well as carrying out research with ITE, he taught at the University of St Andrews from 1978-82 as a Senior Lecturer in Ecology. He remained with NERC until 1986, when he took early retirement, and he has worked as an independent freshwater biologist ever since. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Visiting Professor at the University of Glasgow. As well as research on freshwater fish, he also keeps many species of fish as a pastime in both aquaria and ponds. Watching fish in the wild is also a regular occupation. It's not all fish though (!), he is married to Kathleen and has three grown-up children and three grandchildren and is interested in wildlife, gardening and classical music.