Michelle Van Loon

Michelle Van Loon ’s deeply rooted faith in Christ, secular Jewish heritage, spiritual hunger, and storyteller’s sensibilities inform her creative, carefully crafted writing. She’s published six books including Becoming Sage: Cultivating Meaning, Purpose, and Spirituality in Midlife (Moody 2020), Born to Wander: Recovering the Value of our Pilgrim Identity (Moody, 2018), Moments & Days: How Our Holy Celebrations Shape Our Faith (NavPress, 2016), and If Only: Letting Go Of Regret (Beacon Hill, 2014), which won an award of merit in the Christian Living category in Christianity Today’s 2015 Book Of The Year listing. Michelle has been a regular contributor at Christianity Today and In Touch magazine and has a wide range of published work including curriculum, devotionals, articles, and plays. She is a founding member of The Pelican Project, a women’s theology organization, and the co-founder of www.ThePerennialGen.com, a website for midlife women and men.