Larry Trivieri Jr is a recognized lay expert in the fields of self-care healing methods and integrative medicine, and the bestselling health book author of over 25 health books. He served as editor and principal writer of both editions of the landmark volume, Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. His other books include The American Holistic Medical Association Guide to Holistic Health, Outstanding Health (with Michael Galitzer, MD), Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Lyme Disease, Juice Alive: The Ultimate Guide to Juicing Remedies (with Steven Bailey, ND), The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide (with Susan E. Brown, PhD, CNN). He has also written over 200 articles for Alternative Medicine, Natural Health, Natural Solutions, Yoga Journal, and other health magazines and online health sites. The Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM) was established with the goal of shifting the healthcare paradigm toward wellness by restoring hope, empowering people, training and supporting practitioners, conducting research, implementing therapeutic innovations, and creating a new global wellness care community among the lay public, both in the United States and around the world. With more than 5,000 members, ACIM is recognized as the leading organization of its kind due to the caliber of the physician trainings it provides via conferences, seminars, and online tutorials and webinars. ACIM has also created the most in-depth wellness coaching training and certification program in the United States.