Kalina Bontcheva is the holder of a prestigious EPSRC career acceleration fellowship, working on text mining and summarization of social media. Dr. Bontcheva received her Ph.D. on the topic of adaptive hypertext generation from the University of Sheffield in 2001. She has been a leading developer of the GATE text analytics infrastructure since 1999. Her main interests are software infrastructures for NLP, information extraction, natural language generation, and text summarization. Kalina Bontcheva is currently coordinating the PHEME FP7 project on computing veracity of social media content, as well as leading the Sheffield teams in TrendMiner, DecarboNet, and uComp. Previously she coordinated the EC-funded TAO STREP project on transitioning applications to ontologies and contributed to the MUSING, SEKT, and MIAKT projects. Prof. Bontcheva is co-organizer of the bi-annual conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, co-chair of the Information Extraction track of ACL'2010 and EMNLP'2010, a demo co-chair for ACL'2014, an area co-chair for UMAP'2014, and a PC cochair for UMAP'2015. She has published extensively in high-profile journals and conferences and delivered invited talks and tutorials.