John Nolan was born in Brisbane, Australia in 1961. At 8 years old John received God's calling into the ministry whilst at a youth meeting at St Gabriel's Anglican Church. However, it took many years before John truly found Christ and yielded fully to that calling. In 1998 John Nolan was serving as a Pastor within a local Christian church when he received the spiritual calling and initial concept for Dads'Uni whilst in prayer. This revelation significantly altered the direction of his life and ministry focus and helped him carry the idea within his heart until it was right to commence.
Mission- Growing Families God's Way
Dads'UNI was launched in 2004 in Brisbane, Australia in response to the huge increase in the number of broken families and fatherless children in our nation and around the world. Dads' UNI is designed as a FREE Resource Website for young men to help them in their role as fathers, and to assist them in leading their families in a caring and responsible way. All of the Dads' Uni teachings are based upon the wisdom found in the Bible and help young fathers in Growing Families God's Way.
52 Tips for Fathers is the foundational study project of Dads' UNI. It was designed initially to be used in Dads groups as a weekly study and conversation starter and the course was designed to last one year (52 weeks). The tips in this teaching are simple enough to understand and implement effectively over the long term. Even though there will always be challenges along the way, if you hang in there and don't give up, I am confident these tips will help you become a great dad!
The series of teachings called "Being Biblically Spiritual" was added to our website after our Facebook group Praying The Lord's Prayer Daily grew substantially. We realized that there was an opportunity and need to share more 'spiritual' teachings with our group members. "Being Biblically Spiritual" is a series designed to assist young believers grow in their enjoyment and personal experience of God's presence. The series titles usually begin with (How To:), and reveal practical steps for implementing God's Word in your life.
*All Dads' UNI studies on our Free Resource Website are FREE TO SHARE with anyone you think may benefit from them.