Jennifer Storm

Jennifer Storm is the Victim Advocate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and resides in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, with her wife, Fianne, and their adopted son, Victor. Jennifer has worked on many high-profile cases including helping victims of Jerry Sandusky, Bill Cosby, and clergy of the Catholic Church. She serves as a content expert on victims’ rights in the media, with frequent appearances on all major networks, and she tours the country sharing her experiences. In addition to telling her story in her first memoir, Blackout Girl, Jennifer is the author of Leave the Light On: A Memoir of Recovery and Self-Discovery, Picking Up the Pieces without Picking Up: A Guidebook through Victimization for People in Recovery, and Echoes of Penn State: Facing Sexual Trauma. She is also working on a documentary based on Blackout Girl to help raise awareness of the cycle of addiction, victimization, and trauma.