Jason MacLeod

JASON MACLEOD is a community organiser, educator, and researcher who has been working with local communities and social and environmental justice movements in Australia and the Asia Pacific region since 1991. The context of this work varies, from conflict settings, to international and local NGOs, to local government, to community-based organisations, neighbourhoods and villages, although most of his work is with grassroots communities and ordinary people working for social change. He has taught civil resistance and community development at The University of Queensland, coordinates Pasifika, a social movement capacity building program in non-democracies, and is a training associate with The Change Agency, Australia's leading activist education outfit. Jason is married with kids, wrestles with his Quaker faith, lives in a co-housing settlement, and currently has aspirations to raise chickens. Whenever possible he enjoys long walks in wilderness country or riding a perfectly pitching wave. He lives on Jagera land in Brisbane.