Jaakko Astola

Jaakko T. Astola received B.Sc., M.Sc., Licenciate, and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics (specializing in error-correcting codes) from Turku University, Finland in 1972, 1973, 1975, and 1978, respectively. From 1976–1977 he was with the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Between 1979 and 1987 he was with the Department of Information Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, holding various teaching positions in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Science. In 1984, he worked as a visiting scientist at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. From 1987–1992 he was an Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics at Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. Since 1993, he has been a Professor of Signal Processing and the Director of Tampere International Center for Signal Processing, leading a group of about 60 scientists and was nominated Academy Professor by Academy of Finland (2001-2006). Currently, he is Director of the Centre of Excellence of the Academy of Finland in Signal Processing. His research interest include signal processing, coding theory, spectral techniques, and statistics. He is a Fellow of IEEE.