Gwendolyn Kiste

With parents who married on Halloween and read her Bradbury stories long before she started kindergarten, Gwendolyn Kiste considers horror, fantasy, and all things strange to be her birthright. Her genre editorials appear regularly on sites such as and Micro-Shock, and she is the resident "weird wanderer" for the travel-centric Wanderlust and Lipstick. Every year, she celebrates the fall season through her blog, 60 Days of Halloween, a collection of humorous essays chronicling her autumnal misadventures.With a background in cinema and theater, she has written and directed several feature-length and short horror films, and her plays have been produced as part of the Big Read, a program of the National Endowment for the Arts. Her short stories have also appeared in Strangely Funny II and Whispers from the Past: Fright and Fear. An Ohio native, she currently resides in the wilds of Pennsylvania with her husband, Bill, and cat, McQueen.