Francesco Iachello

Iachello is a renowned physicist. Honors: Chiaudano Prize, 1964 Fulbright Fellow, 1968 AKZO Prize of the Netherlands Society of Sciences, 1981 Wigner Medal, 1990 Taormina Prize, 1991 Dr. Hon., University of Ferrara, Italy, 1992 Bonner Prize of the American Physical Society, 1993 Dr. Hon., University of Seville, Spain, 1993 Ph.D. Hon. Chung Yuan University, Republic of China, 1993 Honorary Professor Nanjing University, China, 1995 Foreign Member Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996 Honorary Fellow Eotvos Physical Society, Hungary, 1996 Centennial Prize of the Italian Physical Society, 1997 Foreign Member Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1997 Zernike Professor University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 1997 Eminent Scientist Award, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan, 2000 Meitner Prize of the European Physical Society 2002 Dr. Hon., University of Bucharest, Romania, 2005 Italian National Medal of Science, 2007 Majorana Prize, 2007 Commemorative Medal, University of Prague, Czech Republic, 2008