Julia Mossbridge

Julia Mossbridge, PhD, is a visiting scholar at Northwestern University, fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, science director at Focus@Will Labs, and associated professor of integral and transpersonal psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research primarily involves understanding how time is perceived by our unconscious and conscious minds, and is secondarily related to authenticity and human interconnectivity. Mossbridge has a doctorate in communication sciences and disorders from Northwestern University, and a master's degree in neuroscience from the University of California, San Francisco. The 2014 winner of the Charles Honorton Integrative Contributions Award, she is coauthor (with Imants Baruss) of Transcendent Mind, author of The Garden and Unfolding, as well as coauthor of The Premonition Code in addition to multiple scientific articles. She is also inventor of Choice Compass, a patented physiologically based decision-making app.