Dan Mihai Ştefănescu, born in Bucharest on 6 April 1946, received BS (1969) in Applied Electronics, MS (1983) in Experimental Stress Analysis and PhD cum laude (1999) in Electrical Engineering, all from the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest. He worked as Senior Researcher in Measurement Techniques with the National Institute for Aerospace Research in Bucharest (1969-1979 and 1992-2003) and Senior Engineer in Material Testing with "Politehnica" University of Bucharest (1980-1991). He completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship (NATO grant) on Knowledge-based Intelligent Systems for Selecting Industrial Sensors at Twente University of Enschede, The Netherlands (2002), and was a Visiting Scientist at Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science, conducting a project on Force Transducers Optimization by Numerical Methods (2004) and then at Center for Measurement Standards in Taiwan, R.O.C., leading a project and registering a patent on Improved Portable Truck Scales (2005). Presently, he is Senior Scientist with the Romanian Measurement Society. His current research interests are: electrical measurement of mechanical quantities, material testing equipment and metrological procedures for multicomponent transducers. He delivered 46 conferences and published 4 books, 2 book chapters and 192 peer-reviewed papers in Romania and other 40 countries on all continents (except Antarctica). His most important book is "Springer Handbook of Force Transducers - Principles and Components" (2011 - having 642 pages, 47 tables, 403 illustrations, amongst them 236 are coloured). He is a recipient of Romanian Academy Award "Aurel Vlaicu" (1991) for the book "Strain Gauge Measurement of Mechanical Quantities". He is member of the Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (1987) and Romanian representative (starting with 1988) as well as member of the General Council of IMEKO - International Measurement Confederation (2014).