Celia Anderson

Celia Anderson lives with her husband and one elderly cat as far away from the sea as you can possibly get in mainland UK. She dreams of buying a cottage on the coast, which explains the regular appearances in her books of seaside places with wide sandy beaches. Celia loves walking, reading, having large bubbly baths, eating, and drinking wine. Over the years, she has found that all of these activities bar the first may be done simultaneously, although this can be messy. Previously a teacher and assistant head, Celia now writes full time and is an enthusiastic member of the Romantic Novelists Association, having graduated from their wonderful New Writers' Scheme. She is a doting grandma to Ida and Levi, loves flower arranging but tries to avoid gardening, plays the piano very badly, is a jigsaw addict and has tried several times to learn to knit without much success (or joy). Some hobbies are best left alone...