Catherine Horel

Catherine Horel, Ph.D. (1993), Senior research fellow, CETOBAC-CNRS, Paris, specializes in Central European contemporary history, Habsburg Empire, Jewish, urban and military history. Among her latest publications: L'amiral Horthy, regent de Hongrie(Paris, Perrin, 2014); Histoire de la nation hongroise(Paris, Tallandier, 2021), Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire. Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters 1880-1914(forthcoming at CEU Press, 2023).Bettina Severin-Barboutie, Ph.D. (2004), Professor of Contemporary History at University Clermont Auvergne and associated member of the research lab "Arts, civilisation, histoire de l'Europe" at the University of Strasbourg, specializes in contemporary history. Among her latest publications: Migration als Bewegung am Beispiel der Städte Stuttgart und Lyon nach 1945(Mohr Siebeck, 2019), Représentation et mémoire de la migration/Repräsentation und Erinnerung der Migration(ed. with Dirk Rupnow et al.), Innsbruck, IUP, 2021).