Prof. Andrei Khrennikov is the director of International center for mathematical modeling in physics, engineering and cognitive science, University of Växjö, Sweden, which was created 8 years ago to perform interdisciplinary research.Two series of conferences on quantum foundations (especially probabilistic aspects) were established on the basis of this center: "Foundations of Probability and Physics" and "Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations". These series became well known in the quantum community (including quantum information groups). Hundreds of theoreticians (physicists and mathematicians), experimenters and even philosophers participated in these conferences presenting a huge diversity of views to quantum foundations. Contacts with these people played the crucial role in creation of the present book. Prof. Andrei Khrennikov published about 300 papers in internationally recognized journals in mathematics, physics and biology and 9 monographs – in p-adic and non-Archimedean analysis with applications to mathematical physics and cognitive sciences as well as foundations of probabilityu theory.