Alex T. Smith

Alex T. Smith a obtenu son dipl?me en illustration de Coventry University (R-U.). Le premier album qu'il a illustr?, Elliot Jones superh?ros ?crit par Ann Cottringer, a connu un grand succ's et lui a valu plusieurs r?compenses, dont une nomination, en 2008, pour le titre de ? Best Emerging Illustrator ? d?cern? par The Book Trust. Alex a depuis ?crit et illustr? plusieurs livres. Ella - La petite coccinelle au grand coeur est toutefois son premier album ? titre d'auteurillustrateur. Alex vit ? York, en Angleterre. Alex T. Smith graduated in 2006 from Coventry University (UK) with a degree in Illustration. The first picture book he has illustrated, Eliot Jones Midnight Superhero (Elliot Superh?ros) won the Jonesthe Coventry Inspiration Book Award, and was longlisted for the Greenaway Medal in 2009. Alex was also shortlisted for The Best Emerging Illustrator by The Book Trust in 2008. He has since written and illustrated his own picture books. He lives in York, England.